Viable System Model Template

Free VSM downloads


By downloading the viable system model template offered here, you agree to the following terms of use.

Permitted: Private redistribution via email or in non-public platforms (e.g., private link via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.). Furthermore, commercial use and modification are expressly permitted.

Not allowed: To offer these files for public download yourself or to upload them in public download platforms.

Otherwise, the files are subject to the CC 00 Universal license.

Viable System Model Canvas

Viable System Model Template - the Canvas

This canvas is freely available and serves as an easy introduction to the topic. This canvas will be explained in more detail and an “instruction manual” will be provided in the following blog post.

Download, 790 kB

iO Environment Model

Viable System Model Template - the Environment Model

PDF file of the iO environment model. This model is intended to serve as a management playground and facilitate exploration of the environment. For more information on how to use the model, see this blog post.

Download, 60 kB

Powerpoint Template
Viable System Model

Viable System Model PowerPoint Template

New revision of a PowerPoint file, well suited for use in workshops (as “Canvas”, German Version). Again, I would appreciate a citation as the source of this file.

Download, 50 kB

Free copyable Prezi

A Prezi template of the viable system model. Rather intended for connoisseurs of the model.

Link to Prezi-Animation


Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-22 um 21.29.00

A ZIP with all self-created graphics of the first eBook in screen resolution. If used in a business context, I would be very happy to be credited as the source:

Download, ca. 3,6 MB

Learning Cards


An Anki deck with which I learned the VSM. It contains 64 questions and answers in English and also some graphics. Very good for “learning on the go”.

Download, ca. 1,4 MB

Further Viable System Model Templates

Viable System Model Vorlage PPT

Generic templates (German version) that can be easily processed in a graphics or presentation program. Formats: PDF, PNG, SVG, OmniGraffle, VDX. Again, I would appreciate a citation as the source of this file.

Download, 0,5 MB

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