Tag: system

  • Viable System Model – Ant Colony Example

    Viable System Model – Ant Colony Example

    This is the fifth part of my series of concise, activity-based explanations of the Viable System Model. These are designed not only to support learners but also to provide ideas for VSM coaches and consultants (especially, when it is about explaining it to clients). Disclaimer #1: As I am not an ant expert, I tried my best…

  • Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety

    Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety

    The Story of Requisite Variety for Reflective Practitioners It is a real pity that the idea of Requisite Variety is almost unknown. From my perspective, it is astonishing that almost no one with a degree in business has heard about it, not to talk about many Agile or Lean folks. It is insofar unbelievable, as…

  • Setting a goal with a range

    Setting a goal with a range

    Key Results and the Estimation of Metrics Nowadays it is almost standard to use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) in Agile Organizations. It is claimed that this goal-setting-philosophy enables a true delivery/product organization, since the “simple” application of agile working practices like Scrum or Kanban is not enough to align huge working systems towards a…