Julia and Mandelbrot for Free
Fractint Nostalgia As part of my adaptation process in these times I share my favorite images of fractals – which were rendered in the last weeks (total computing time ca. 150hs on a i7 Mac Book Pro (2015)). Maybe you enjoy looking at them, or you want to use them as a background, for business […]
Why quotations matter
Citing other people is not lazy, if … Usually it does not take a long time to find out that I am a big fan of quotations. Depending on the context I drop one quote after the other. This seems to be sometimes disturbing to my social environment, since it can lead to the conclusion […]
MS Planner for Remote Collaboration
Creative usage of MS Planner During the last two weeks of remote work I learned two further ways on how to work with MS Planner (which is part of the Office365 package). Again I want to show a creative use case of how to use tools which are usually available in many companies. While more […]
Creative Remote Collaboration with PowerPoint
Creative usage of Office365 In times which are dominated by COVID-19 I wanted to share how to use Office365 (or Goole, if you have it) for remote workshops. I want to propose tools which are easily available and easy to share. Therefore, these two come to mind. Of course there is much more out there, […]
Viable Leadership
The Viable System Model and Leadership This post contains an excerpt of the book „Responsible leadership in a complex world“ (Zitat, so far only available in German) which is a co-production of Peter Gomez, Timo Meynhardt and me. Our work used the Viable System Model to offer a framework for Reflective Practitioners (according to the […]
Setting a goal with a range
Key Results and the Estimation of Metrics Nowadays it is almost standard to use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) in Agile Organizations. It is claimed that this goal-setting-philosophy enables a true delivery/product organization, since the “simple” application of agile working practices like Scrum or Kanban is not enough to align huge working systems towards a […]
Free Release – Viable System Model Canvas
The VSM in a nutshell It’s a very special day for me! Why? Because I am very excited to release the … Viable System Model Canvas. It all began about 24 months ago when I started this project (or product?). This outcome (or output?) is my recent development to get a step closer to make […]
Stabilität durch Entkopplung
Matrjoschkas und das Prinzip der losen Kopplung <tldr;>Lasst die Menschen in Ruhe ihre Sache planen. Unternehmensweite Planungsebenen können die Idee der Agilität unterlaufen. Der Aufgabenschnitt sollte den ausführenden Menschen obliegen. Entkoppelte Planungsebenen bieten mehr Freiheit in der Selbstorganisation und erzeugen eine komplexitätsgerechte Ordnung, um Ergebnisse zu liefern.</tldr;> Egal ob wir mit agilen oder klassischen Projektstrukturen arbeiten, […]
Interview mit Mari Furukawa-Caspary
Über Sprache, Dinge-Macher und universelle Prinzipien Dieser Blogpost ist eine Premiere, da ich zum ersten Mal selber ein Interview geführt habe, bei dem ich auf der Seite des Fragestellers stehe. Glücklicherweise konnte ich Mari Furukawa-Caspary dafür gewinnen, mir einige Fragen in ausführlicher Form zu beantworten. Dieses “Gespräch” fand via Google Doc statt, sodass jeder genug […]